Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first official Mother's Day. My day started off when Beckham woke up at 3:00 am screaming! This kid never screams at night. When he's hungry he will grunt until I hear him and he doesn't even wake up to eat. I have no idea what was wrong, but Aaron got up with him and let me sleep. Aaron's the best!

When we all woke up we packed up the car and headed to Twin Falls to spend the day with my Mom. She is the best Mom in the world. She would do anything for us kids and she has done everything for us. 

It's always a good time when the family gets together. We played garage band (I think that's what it's called) on the Wii, ate dinner, went to Shoshone Falls and watched the season finale of The Amazing Race. 

I was really upset with the outcome of the Race. I wanted the Mother, son team to win. The Brother and Sister did not need the money. I mean, come on, they are Harvard Law Grads. Lets give it to the underdog... Someone who needs the cash. 


  1. Your blog is looking good, girl! It looks like you guys had fun in Twin. I am sorry we missed it. Beckham is getting so big. He is such a cute boy!

  2. AWE, your mom looks so great! I miss you guys!! Tell you mom Proctor says hello!!
