Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Little Man

Now that Aaron and I have started our family, it is now time to start our blog. I say OUR blog but really Aaron could care less and probably thinks it's a little silly. I am hoping that I will be able to get a lot of advice about being a mom from the vets out there. Every day I learn something new... 

1. How not to get peed on when changing his diaper (it is still a little tricky but I am getting better)
2. Even though he doesn't get out much it's okay to change him out of his PJ's                                   3. it's not  a bad thing to have my house changed into a nursery ( I have diapers in every room, a swing in my living room, and bottles all over and I am breast feeding!)
4. Most important thing is, the little man is in charge! 

It has been a fun and rewarding adventure since Beckham was born. He had us on our toes from the beginning. After a long hard week of having him in the NICU we were able to bring him home. We are now at week 7 and couldn't be happier. He is a happy baby. Now if I can just learn how to get him to sleep without rocking him. Like I said he is in charge. 

So, welcome home Beckham! Your Dad and I love you very much and we look forward to all the good times that are ahead of us. Just remember we are new at this and we hope we don't screw up too bad!!!


  1. Yeah, you are blogging!!
    When I first saw this picture something about Beck reminds me of you but I can't put my finger on it.
    Cutie pie for sure.
    I will have to help you set this up so that leaving and receiving comments is easier.

  2. Karrie,
    What a great blog! I love the info. You are a wonderful mom and Aaron is a great dad. It is so fun to watch your children be parents.
    Hang in there with the weight...I think that you look good for 7 weeks. Give yourself a little time and you will be back to normal.
    Ann The pictures are priceless!
