Saturday, October 31, 2009


Chicken Little with his Dad.

Aaron was pretty upset I didn't buy him a chicken costume so he had to steal Beck's

We didn't have to many stops for trick or treating
so we thought we would be home for all the
ghost and goblins to come get treats
the only ones who came were Oliva, Noah, Madilynn,
Deena, and Todd...
They looked cute as always!

Happy Halloween!


  1. Beautiful, baby, Beckham needs to be entered into a baby contest...and that's fo sho! Oh, those eyes.....gonna be a lady killer!

  2. I thought you were going to dress up with him! That would've been awesome! But Becks looks so dang cute in that chicken costume! Do you think that will fit me for next year?

  3. Where have I been? You have posted several times and I missed it. The costume is soooo cute. I love the picture with Aaron wearing part of it, super funny.
    Beck is getting so big. Come see us!! I promise to Beck doesn't sleep. Keion will play with him all day, it will be a true vacaction!
    Give him a kiss for us.
