Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Glee, oh Glee, oh Glee

I am fully addicted, I am talking Peanut Butter Candy addicted!
After one episode I ran to Hastings and rented the whole season.
It did not disappoint.
I cannot believe it took me this long to start watching Glee.
Where have I been?
Even Aaron couldn't stop watching, or dancing!
I love every minute of this show...
When does the next season start?
We watched the whole first season within 24 hours!
It's full of misfits, jocks, and cheerleaders
and they all come together to be friends and support each other,
But really, That's just how Sue C's it!!!


  1. Come on Karrie- It's how Sue, C's it!!
    We LOVE this show! You really need to live by us we could have Glee marathons all day!
    It is the best. They come back on in January, right? Oh no, I'm not sure. We just finished the last dvr'd episode from this past season. Oh how I love Glee and I sure do wish I could sing!

  2. That's right... Dang it, I couldn't think of it! I did however, edit my post so it now says, Sue C's it!

  3. We love Glee too! In fact we have all of them DVR'd so if you begin having withdrawls come on over:-)

  4. I must be livin' under a rock. I don't know anything about Glee. Is it a competition or reality show? Fill me in! I need a new show to watch after the holiday break!

  5. I LOVE GLEE! It rocks! I watched every episode during the season. Kristi, you need to get with the program! You'd love it!
