Last week Beckham turned 9 months old.
The day started out great but didn't end up so well. Beck had his check up with the Dr and he wasn't suppose to get shots but the Dr recommended the flu shot, so he got one. He did great until we got into the car, then he just started bawling!
I felt so bad for him.
When we got home I laid him down for a nap. After about 5 minutes I went in and checked on him and this is what I found... He was wiped out!
After that I let him jump in his jumper. He loves it and I felt bad for him.
The next day, back on the floor
He started out in a good mood, trying his best to move and get to things he's not suppose to.Not to much longer and he was done...
He wanted off his stomach and back on his bum or in his jumper,
really anywhere other than on his stomach!
I am glad to say he is getting mobil and I am not too worried about him crawling.
He will get it.
Aunt Mikkel was so nice and brought him a cookie from Germany.
You can't tell but he was pumped.
At his 9 month check up he was weighing at 21.13 (70%). Height 28" (41%) head 18" (62%).
He is still my little husky boy and I am loving every minute of it!
Beckham still loves empty water bottles, clapping his hands, and taking baths!
And playing with himself...last picture, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!