Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WOW, 10 Months

My Little boy is 10 months old today!
He is the happiest baby,
I think it's because he gets EVERYTHING he wants
but with a face like his, how could you not give him everything!
He has finally got 2 teeth in. He wont let me get pictures of them
but they are on the bottom and he is working on his two top teeth.
He loves playing with his Dad.
When Aaron comes home from work we can usually hear him come through the garage and Beckham lights up. He will peak around the corner to see if he can see his Dad
and when he does, it's all laughs and smiles!
One thing he is not doing is crawling...
He will do this pose all day long but it never fails he falls to his belly
and cries. I know he will get it soon and then I will wish he was still trying to
crawl. He is however, very good at Yoga!
This is him in downward dog!
He also LOVES to eat whatever I am eating. Everything from my morning Smoothie to my spicy pork salad at dinner. Nothing phases this kid, he loves food, spicy or not!
He has learned how to give the fake smile and gives it to all the old
ladies at the grocery store.
He loves music. He will stop whatever he is doing and listen. When we watched Glee, he was right there with us.
He still loves his bed and taking baths.
He hates to get his finger nails clipped and face wiped off.
2 more months and this kid will be a year old!
I have no idea where the time has gone
but I have loved having Beckham in our lives
Even right now when he is on the floor crying, he must be on his hands and knees
and not able to move!


  1. So cute!! I cannot believe he is 10 months old. I guess it is time for you to have another one:-) Our little girl needs a friend!

  2. Those pictures are all so cute. I love the yoga pose!
    I love your dress/leggings/boots. The boots are super cute, from what I could see.
    So sad that Beck is getting so old but fun too. It only gets better!

  3. Oh, man it has gone fast, Karrie. It seems like yesterday we were partying at your baby shower. Beckham is the cutest, little thing eva! I loved all the pics. and reading about what he is enjoying at this stage in his life. You're going to love that you have all of this documented. Loves......

  4. He is so dang cute! Time just goes too fast--sniff, sniff. I feel it everyday.
