Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The long hard road!

After all the blood, sweat, and tears, it has FINALLY HAPPENED!

Baby Beckham has started to crawl!
Nothing fast paced but he is still putting one hand in front of the other and scooting with his
little knees and toes.
He can also go from "crawling" to sitting back on his bum!
Oh, I am such a proud Mom.
Lock up the fridge folks, Beckham is moving!
(this is not Beckham, or my fridge!)


  1. I knew he'd be at it in no time. I wasn't worried a bit, as Payton was 10 months before crawling too. They all progress in their own, little due time! Beckham is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to see him scooting around, bum in the air, at your mom's next month! Fun times ahead, my sister!

  2. Yeah Beckham! Life as you know it will never be the same again Karrie:-) I can't wait to see him!
