Friday, March 19, 2010

Working Mom!

I have learned very quickly that it's not as glamorous as it sounds,
Working Mom.
It's tough.
Planning, waking up earlier, getting TWO people ready, and being on time!
That's a LOT to ask of one girl.
Beck up and ready to roll and 5 am.
trying to ignore him so I can sleep 20 more minutes
Feed Beck, change his clothes, ignore the temper tantrum, 6 am
Beck back to bed.
Time to get ready before work.
Wake Beck up to go to Aunt Deena's for the day. 6:45 am
Go to Starbucks for a tasty drink
(I'm ignoring the point count with weight watchers)
Drop Beck off.
He is tired and wanting his Mom,
this is a first. Poor Guy.
It makes it hard to leave.
At work I decide to to run to the mall before seeing Beck at lunch.
He needs a hat for our vacation.
Excited for his new hat,
I hurry to Deena's to see if he will keep it on his noggin.
No such luck.
He wants to tear it off and put it in his mouth.
Beck poops his pants.
I'll hurry and change it and go back to work.
Deena has only TWO wipes left.
I can make it work. I have done this a million times. I can clean him in two wipes.
Challenge is on!
Beck clean, feet still in air, crying starts.
I look down, more poo coming out!
Hurry put diaper down
search for wipes in diaper bag.
notice my leg is getting really warm
look down.
PEE all over me!!
Great, I have to go back to work with pee leg.
Crying, scared, and tired.
I pick my little boy up and rock him for a few minutes
(after mess is cleaned up).
Lay him down for a little nap.
Off to work, with my pee leg.
Like I have said plenty of times before,
Being a Mom is a very dirty job,
and worth every minute!


  1. What a day! Good thing your vacation starts tomorrow and you can forget all about it:-) Have so much fun and take lots of pictures!

  2. Oh, busy, working mama, I feel your pain. I've been there! They get big so fast and don't need ya anymore, that you look back and actually miss those crazy times. I'm glad you're documenting them. I hope you guys have a fabulous time in CA. How could you not! I am sooooo envious!

  3. Vacation...I'm jealous!!! I agree, working and being a mom is VERY hard. I only work two days a week and it's still hard for me. :)
