Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Baby Boy's ONE!

My boy, my little baby boy is growing up too fast. I need a pause button! It goes by all too fast. I don't want to forget a single thing about him and this past year, but I will post about all that tomorrow. For today,

The decorations were very random. Just whatever popped in my head, that's what we
decorated with. His Birthday Cake, well... it's suppose to be a MONSTER

We had Lots of family and food. It was a perfect day ( besides the snow) for a bbq.

After all the good eats, then came the birthday song and cake eating.
I tried to get Beck to wear his Birthday hat, but he HATED IT!
I couldn't believe it, all that work for the best Bday hat EVER
and he refused to keep it on his head.
No big deal, right. He will love to eat his cake. I have been looking forward to this all week. Beck tearing into his cake, smashing his face into it, and smearing it all over the place. That's why he is wearing his old clothes.


He wanted nothing to do with the cake.
GREAT, I can't please this kid.
What does he want, an iPOD???

After we all screamed together, we moved onto presents (no ipod).

As you can tell, he was just as pumped for the presents, as he was for the cake and hat!

It was a great day. I love when family can get together and hang out.
Happy Birthday little fella!
Oh, and Beck wanted to thank everyone for coming!


  1. Hip, Hop, Happy Birthday, Beck boy! We are so sad we couldn't be there. It looked like the best party. I know three monkeys who would have loved helping ya eat that adorable, monster cake!

    We LoVe YoU!


  2. So much fun Karrie! You are the official Birthday planner from now on:-) Happy Birthday Beckham!!

  3. I just can't stop laughing over the fact that you thought Beck might actually wear that birthday hat! It looked good though. The cake was awesome too, to bad he wasn't into it.
    I really do think he would have been more pleased with and ipod. Wish we could have been there too. The party looks like it was a huge success.

  4. I'm glad you guys had a good time! We were thinking about you guys when the power was out all afternoon. We saw all the cars over there and knew something exciting must be going on! Hopefully the lack of power didn't mess anything up for you. It looks like you guys had fun!

  5. Cute, cute decorations! And the hat...come on Beckham!!! It looks like you had a great party and I can't believe he's already one. What a cute little guy!
