Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Toss and Turn

Beckham has figured out how to move all over in his crib. I would lay him down on his back at one end of the crib and a couple hours later I would go check on him and he would be on his stomach and his head would be where his feet had been... I couldn't figure out how he was doing this, so I spied on him. He is actually getting up on his knees and putting most of his weight on his forehead and turning! Lately he'll move until his face is smashed into the bumpers on his bed or he'll put the blanket in front of his face. He LOVES to be smashed into things. I took a couple pictures this afternoon of him cuddling his blanket.


  1. Oh, look at him...he's the cutest, chunky monkey, and I can't wait to snuggle him! We're so excited to see you guys this weekend!

  2. So- when I read this I was just cracking up because Colton does the exact same thing!! Does it make you nervous? Now he has started sleeping with his face completely smashed down!! Oh, and I loved that you spy on him! He is so dang cute, and is looking more and more like a little boy and not a baby!! P.S. yes I have tasted the chocolate candy bars and although everyone says they are amazing, I haven't found one as good as dove chocolate(my fav) but they do have some pretty good stuff!!
