Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Running the Gap

Stacey and I did it!!! We ran the 10k at the Pocatello Marathon. I would like to say we had a blast but really it was a little tiring. Stacey and I both had taken some time off before the race and I could feel it. I wanted to be done around mile 3. Lucky for me a lady had caught up to me and I had someone to talk to besides all the half marathon and marathon runners who were passing me. She helped me enough to distract me for the last 3 miles. I did however want to punch the girl in the face that passed us towards the end when she jogged by all jolly and said, "Come on ladies, this is the final stretch!". Maybe it was just what I needed to pick up the pace for the last stretch. 

Okay Stacey, Now are we ready for that half marathon???


  1. Sooo proud of you--that's awesome. Keep it up!!! I finally just had to join the gym because I wasn't able to motivate myself to run.

  2. Oh, Buck Baker.....we gotta get you running girl! I smell a race in your near future...count on it!

    I am so proud of you, Karrie! You did it! I love that you are already moving upwards and onwards.....1/2 marathon.....here you come!!!!
