Sunday, September 20, 2009

And he's OUT!

Well, this picture pretty much says it all. For the past couple of weeks Beckham has been struggling trying to fall asleep. There was nothing we could do to get him to fall asleep. After trying to rock him, walk him around, leaving him in his crib screaming forever, we got out the SWING, or should I say they miracle worker! For the longest time he clung to the side of swing and focused on the TV. He wasn't going down without a fight.
I finally sat down and decided to eat dinner and Aaron was busy working on something when I looked over and he sure enough
Beck had finally crashed.

I didn't post his 6 month post but at his Dr's appointment he was weighing 17.13 pounds and his height was 26 inches. The Dr. didn't tell me what percentage he was in but to me he is
getting too big too fast.

Beckham is now rolling over and sitting up. When he is in his crib he will scoot all around but when he is in the living room he will only roll over onto his belly
then he lays there like a turtle on its back.

Well Beck, we made it through the first 6 months without any major problems
lets see what the next 6 bring us!!

1 comment:

  1. This guy is just getting too big. I'm glad you found something that worked to get him to sleep!
