Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lions n Tigers and Bears, OH MY!

Today was Beckham's first and defiantly not last day at the zoo. Well, he actually could have cared less. He had this look on his face the whole time!    
   Instead of looking at the animals, he kept a close eye on Sam. He loved looking Sam and Sam LOVED the crazy animals. 

At one point we ended up walking through this area and one of the animals was on the loose. The little guy was really friendly and kept trying to lick Beckham. It wasn't until after Sammy was petting him on the face the zoo keeper walked up and said,
 "OH, She shouldn't be out... I don't think she'll bite!" 

And on that note we were on our way.
If you haven't been to the Idaho Falls zoo and you live close you should really go. There is a ton of cool animals and there truly is nothing better the smell of fresh animal dung 
(I am kidding of course). Next year I think Beckham and I will have to invest in a season pass. 
Good times heading our way Pal.


  1. I agree....The IF zoo is pretty cool. Beckham is so cute, Karrie. His big, baby, blues are to die for. I can't wait to love on him this weekend. Would you guys get here already?

  2. Beckham is so cute. He looks as if he was trying to take everything in but there was too much. I'm glad the Kangaroo (or whatever it was)didn't eat Beckham. I probably would have freaked out if an animal was licking my kids. How fun!

  3. What a fun day! I seriously want to hug Beckham everytime I see him ...he is sooo cute!
