Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bring it on

I guess I have complained long enough about being fat. Aaron picked up the Wii active for me and I have started the 30 day challenge. So for it is a ton of squats, lungs, and jumping. I must say it is pretty fun and it logs your workouts and gives you rewards for your accomplishments. I do need my ego stroked for finishing workouts so this is perfect for me. I am on week number 2 and I don't plan on missing a workout because I don't want my Wii trainer to yell at me. 

I also have to thank my brother Robert and his wife Kristi for letting me use their jogging stroller. It was my last excuse why I wasn't running. They gave it to me on Saturday and I ran Yesterday. I made it half a mile and had to walk for a couple of minutes but I finished strong. By that I mean I finished. I went again today, even in the rain. I made it a little over a mile before I stopped and said hello to my sister in-law Lindsey. It was a much needed break. Beckham and I barely made it home before the rain started really coming down... 

So thank you to everyone who is helping me with my obesity!!! I am well on my way to finish my 30 day challenge.


  1. Your obesity? I am laughing out loud. Girl, you don't even know what that means! I am so glad you are having fun with the WII and committing to it. The commercial for it sure look like it gives ya a great workout. I am glad you are jogging too now that you have the stroller we GAVE you! It's yours sister. No giving that back. Keep it up, three months, I tell ya...you'll get that stealth figure back in no time!

  2. I'm laughing as well about your obesity--whatever!! How do you like running with the stroller?? I think it's a lot harder than it looks. Bridger use to like it but today I had a hard time keeping him happy...cripes! Now, I have to bribe him with a stop at the playground on the way home.
