Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beckham's first race

Today was the dreaded 4 month check up with the Doc. I went well but we still have to go back because one of immunization shots was not in, so no shots yet today but we are going back. Beckham in weighing in at 18.2 and his height is 25.5, I am not sure what any of these means but there you have it!! 

While we were there I noticed that the office that I take him to was having a fun run. I thought that will be great to do a quick little run it will keep me motivated... Well, it's only for the children. I was a little bummed until they told me that Beckham could sign up. It is going to be a lot of fun. I guess Beckham will get a T-shirt and a water bottle and the race is less than a mile so I don't mind pushing him in the jogger. But not too bad, 4 months and he is already starting to run! GOOD LUCK BABY B!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Hell, if he can do a race at 4 better sign your butt up for that 1/2!!!!!
