Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Fever

Beck has a love hate relationship with Crosby. He hates when Crosby looks at him, plays with his toys, or gets held by anyone.
On the other hand, Beck loves to help SHOVE his binki in his mouth, rub the top of his head, and say "I love you, Espy." when he knows someone will think that's cute and tell him what a great Brother he is.
And he is a good Brother.
It was sooo Nice here yesterday. Everyone was out washing cars, cleaning yards, and the kids were going crazy. My little guys were no exception.
We're going to MISS Crosby like CRAZY this week. We are headed to DISNEYLAND!!!
Crosby gets to stay home with his awesome Aunts.
It will be nice to spend time with Beckham but I will always have my BABY BOY CROSBY on my mind. See you in a few days lill fella.
P.S. I expect his Aunts to have Crosby crawling by the time we get back!!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun!!! I love Disneyland! Your tea party looked like it was a blast.
