Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hangin on

This time last year I was wishing away my time with Beckham.
I was counting on him growing up
helping me out more,
going to pre-school!

Now the thought of him not hangin with me
all day everyday breaks my heart.
I don't want to share him with anyone.
I know I'll need to let him go,
but for now he is all mine.

He is actually going to bed a lot easier at night.
The night time drama has eased up.
There are some nights when he really just wants someone
to lay by him while he falls asleep.
I am more than happy to be that person.
I love when I cuddle up to him I first have to move
a long line of cars and trucks that he has tucked under the
blankets in a straight line.
He loves sleeping with his toys. Not soft cuddly toys,
hard, small toys that really leave a mark when you lay on them
for any length of time.

He is napping as we speak, with a toy train resting on his chest.
This boy is awesome. I L-O-V-E him more than I ever thought
was possible.

So for now, I am hanging on to all the
little moments we have together because
I know before too long he will realize he would rather be
hanging with his friends and not his crazy, nerdy MOM.

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