Friday, April 23, 2010


Every Thursday I go to work and Beckham goes to his Aunt Deena's house.
This week was a little exciting at the Hillams.
For some reason Beckham, just like all other little kids,
I Could careless about my phone, so I always let Beck play with it.
Well, no more!
Beck was playing with Deena's home phone and she grabbed it from him and just hung it up. Instantly the phone rings. Apparently Beckham had called 911.
After Deena was questioned over and over about who was suppose to be watching the baby,
the police showed up at her house.
2 police cars later,
Deena is off the hook and no longer thought of as a neglecting babysitter.
I am so glad this happened at Deena's house and NOT mine.
So from now on, NO MORE PHONES!


  1. I had that happen to me once when Isaac was little. I was in the bathroom and kept trying to tell him to hang up the phone and leave it alone. When I got out to him I heard someone on the other end and said hello. They already knew where we were located and wondered if everything was okay. Luckily they believed me and I apologized profusely, so no one came. I guess I was lucky.
    Glad Deena came out of it okay. At least you'll have a great story later in life.

  2. That is too funny! Tell Deena she is not alone. Sophie did the same thing a few months ago and I didn't know it until the police showed up at my door.

  3. Haaaa...Haaaaa...Haaaaa...That is COOL!!!
