Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Beckham!

Two years! I can't believe it, my baby Boy is 2!
They say time goes fast, but this was
all too fast!
As cliche as it sounds it feels just like
yesterday when he was hangin' in the NICU
with all the premie babies.
I am so relived that time is done and over with
but I would like Beckham to slow down and stop growing soooo Fast.

We celebrated the big day yesterday. As soon as he woke up
he climbed in his closet and pulled on his boots. This kid loves shoes!
I had woken up early to get his cake ready. Of course the first try was
a complete flop. I had the cake on the counter
and Beck must have smelled it because he
came tearing into the kitchen and swiped a big
chunk out of the cake.
Breakfast was served!
This year Beck is all about Cars and Buzz Light year.
So of course he had a Cars cake.
It was all I could do to keep him out of it. All afternoon he kept trying to
climb up on the table to poke his fingers in it.

Finally, it was time for his little party.
This kid was lovin life.
With a little help from his cousins, he unwrapped his presents.
You may not be able to tell but he was truly pumped to get this Buzz Light Year toy.
He has been eyeing this thing since Christmas.
Now everywhere Beck goes, Buzz goes as well!
Happy Birthday Beckham.
We love you!


  1. I am most impressed with the amazing cake!! Nice skillz sista!
    How fitting and funny to have that pic with Beck sitting at the counter with a big chunk of his birthday cake in hand...LOVE IT!
    Give him big birthday squeezes from us.

  2. I hope his day was great. He's such a cute kid! I too am sooo impressed with the cake. Ya need to go into the business....seriously!

  3. Hahahah--the pic of Beckham "stealing" a piece of cake is priceless! I hope he had a happy day!
