Saturday, October 8, 2011


I have loved the weather we've been having,
it was a pretty good spring, awesome summer,
and even better fall...
UNTIL it started snowing!

This is one girl who LOVES the SUN.
I HATE being cold and I get so sick of
the snow...

I think Beck feels the same way.
He started crying when he woke up to snow
and I told him he couldn't go outside and ride his bike.

But just like me, he is making do....
He cuddled up to his little bro on the couch
and forced him to play action figures with him.

REALLY, He kept shoving the action guy
into Crosby's hand until he would hang onto it!
Hang on tight Crosby because it could be a LONG WINTER!
Oh, and Beck calls Crosby, ESPY.
I'll have to make a post about all the cute things he's
saying right now. I don't want to forget them!

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