Friday, March 5, 2010

Back from my Sabbatical

I took a little hiatus from running but as of today I am back at it!
Snow or no snow, I cannot put off running any longer.
After my lunch date, with my favorite ladies Stacey and Mikkel, to Ross Park Drive Inn I had no choice but to run. I love to eat Taco spaghetti and my hips and thighs LOVE to hang onto everything I put in my mouth.
As soon as I got home,
I loaded Beck into his jogging stroller, Phil@Teds, and we were off!
I made it 10 steps out of my drive way before my lungs started to burn.
The pain in my gut kicked in around 2 minutes and literally didn't stop
until an hour after my run.
I only made it a mile.
One lonely mile.
gut gripping, lung burning, mile...
Oh boy, oh boy.
I have a long way to go to get to that half Marathon.
One day at a time.
No more time off.
I am a faithful, out of shape,


  1. Way to go!!
    Those first steps, that first mile..they're always the hardest. You have now done the hard part, starting. You are on your way. Make sure you go 3 in a row or at least 3 times a week, you will then be set to keep it up.
    I too just started back up. Winter hasn't been good to me that is for sure. We should plan a run together that way we will have a goal to keep us going. Look into a race you want to do and I will try to come out and run it with you. Just give me enough notice to look for a flight. Keep it up!!

  2. Good job Karrie!! I can't wait until I can run too ...right now I can't even take a step without having to pee:-)
