Friday, July 24, 2009

Pink earings

Today is my 32nd B-day. Yesterday I received a package in the mail from my sister in-law Kristi, she had sent me a little birthday surprise, the cutest pink earings. As soon as I saw them I put them on. I didn't even care that I was wearing a purple shirt. It brightened my day, which wasn't hard to do. Beckham had been crying all day and was having a hard time sleeping. I was going nuts. By the time Aaron got home I was a little feisty and it didn't take long before he noticed. He instantly blamed it on the earings. He kept saying if you keep acting like this you will have to return those earings or he would say, Oh, so you get a pink pair of earings and all of a sudden your attitude sucks! So, on my birthday I left the earings on the dresser and out of my ears. 

It was a great day non the less. I got a bike ride in first thing in the morning. Aaron made me waffles from scratch, they were tasty! My sister Deena watched Beckham while Aaron and I went to a movie, we saw the Proposal. It was the perfect B-day movie. Than we picked up Beck and headed to Pocatello for dinner at Buddy's. Stacey and Niccole met up with us and we had a great time. Now I am home feeling tired and realizing I am no longer 25 and I cannot stay up late, my stamina is weak, and I couldn't be happier. I have an amazing husband who I love so much. He takes care of us and I enjoy spending time with him. Beckham is a good baby and he puts up with me always waking him up when I need to go somewhere or when I want to get a run in. My family is supportive and always encouraging me in everything I want to do and willing to help Aaron and I out whenever we need it. I also have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Stacey is the best she is always willing to go along with all my crazy ideas. I have been dragging her along with all this running crap. It is nice to talk to someone about how bad it sucks to run (Thanks Stacey). 

So at 32 I cannot complain. My life is perfect, with or without the Pink earings


  1. Oh my gosh....I am laughing out loud! Ya, you don't need no stinkin' pink earings to make you have the life, girl! But hey, I knew you'de look fabulous in them...and I'm sure you do! Glad your birthday rocked....just like you....Love ya!

  2. That is funny. I was waiting for a cute picture of you with your hot earings in!
    Sounds like a fun day. I never did get you called back but I'm glad you got to celebrate and have a good time.

  3. Happy, happy birthday. Being in your thirties rocks--I'm much happier with myself and my life than I ever was in those stinkin' twenties. :)
